Saturday, March 8, 2008

Feets Don't Fail Me Now

Here's a picture from another interesting mix position. That's J Mascis' feet you're looking at. The gig was in Aspen, outside at the bottom of a hill. The sound rental company didn't really want to put  FOH in front of the house. Too cold or something. That's ok, I can mix from the side of the stage. Then J put up his Twin Reverb stack and all I could see was his feet (sometimes) and a bit of Murph, the drummer. Now, I pull down J's vocal mic when he is not singing. So, I watch him to make sure the vocal is back up when he starts singing again. I was just going to leave the mic up for the whole show but I realized I could just watch his feet as he moved off and on the mic and know what to do when. Actually,I realized I had heard the songs so many times I didn't really  need to see anything, my fingers remembered. Nice! 

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